When employees work hard, they hope to be noticed and rewarded, according to a new study regarding human resources management.

The goal of a survey conducted by Globoforce, the Workforce Mood Tracker, was to analyze the relationship between recognition and employee retention. What the study found was a clear connection between the two. For example, 49 percent of employees surveyed said they would leave their current employer for a business that "clearly recognized employees for their efforts and contributions." In addition, 76 percent of study participants said they were not satisfied with the amount of recognition they received at their workplaces and 63 percent were planning to search for a new job.

One respondent explained that "being recognized for doing a good job makes a person feel better about themselves and the company they work for, ensuring more loyalty."

A challenge in employee management is keeping workers motivated when economic hardships make financial rewards difficult to provide. It may seem like the best solution to reward hard work with a raise, but many firms simply don't have that money in the budget. However, employers must realize that workers can still be motivated to perform by simple gestures of acknowledgement, like gift cards, merchandise, points redeemable for awards and verbal recognition.

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