The modern workplace has changed dramatically — along with the composition of today’s workforce. An increasing number of companies now rely on a mix of internal and external contributors to achieve business goals. In today’s ever-changing business environment, it’s necessary to increase flexibility by supplementing employees with temporary, project-focused talent. This contingent workforce often brings a depth of experience and diverse skills that are essential for business success.
Read the full article in TalentCulture for contingent workforce strategies for your organization to become a more attractive and engaging workplace for all.
本文由特邀撰稿人撰写:创新员工解决方案总裁Kara Hertzog
Kara Hertzog是创新员工解决方案公司 (IES) 的总裁,该公司是远程和临时劳动力解决方案的领先提供商,专门为美国和 150 多个国家提供全球记录雇主、记录代理和独立承包商合规服务。IES 成立于 1974 年,是一家由妇女拥有的企业,通过了 WBENC 认证,并与多家公司合作提供合规的就业解决方案,为人们的生活增添力量。