The many American contract and temporary workers may be experiencing the new normal for jobs in the U.S. economy. Research shows that around 20 percent of the job growth since 2009 has been in the temporary sector, and this trend is not abating. There are currently a near-record number of temporary and contract workers in the U.S., according to government statistics.

There are many companies that choose to employ contingent workers, including BMW, Nike, and Wal-Mart. There are benefits for these organizations, which may not be able to commit to making long-term hires but do need extra hands. For organizations such as Wal-Mart, hiring temporary staff ensures that they have the kind of coverage they need during certain hours without being overstaffed during off-peak times, for example.

Outsourcing employee benefits management to an agency that can serve as the employer of record is also often a good choice for companies of all sizes and types. This can save in-house human resources professionals time and effort that may be better directed elsewhere, as well as cushion organizations for the impending effects of the ACA.

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