According to PricewaterhouseCoopers' Private Company Trendsetter Barometer, over two-thirds of private business owners are optimistic about the state of the U.S. economy, describing it as growing. This marks the third consecutive quarter in which opinion on the economy has become more favorable, as measured by PwC.

Additionally, more companies are planning to make new hires over the next year. Fifty-seven percent say that this is their plan, a five-point increase over last quarter. A PwC press release on this research regards these hiring plans as signs of slow but steady growth in employment.

Companies that plan to expand their workforce tend to consider contingent workers first. This can be a strategy to manage uncertain economic times, as temporary workers need only be retained as long as they are useful and feasible. However, with the increased optimism about the state of the economy, there are still many reasons to hire contract workers.

Outsourcing human resources administration for temporary workers, for example, can save a company money and time. Payrolling services, too, are provided by the employer of record of contingent workers. The return on these investments is increased convenience for businesses, streamlining their talent acquisition and management efforts.

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