HR administrations should consider implementing employee wellness programs, as new research shows. According to a Gallup study, 86 percent of full-time workers are overweight or have a chronic health condition. This decreases productivity and costs their companies money they could avoid having to spend. A good wellness program, for example one that focuses on healthy diet and exercise, could reduce the percentage of overweight staff members and lower their risk for chronic conditions in the future, saving the company money. In fact, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that it is possible for a wellness program to save $2.43 in costs for every dollar spent on it.

The benefits are not only monetary, though. A study from the Principal Financial group asserts that wellness programs can increase employee productivity and workplace morale. Additionally, they found 45 percent of employees say a wellness plan would make them more likely to stay at a job.

The benefits of an employee wellness plan are clear. HR services professionals should be aware of these benefits and the research that supports them, especially as the Affordable Care Act will provide financial incentives to employers with wellness programs in the near future.

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