It's been said again and again by politicians that small businesses are the engine of the U.S. economy. If that's so, things are looking up for Atlanta, Georgia, residents.

According to the latest monthly survey from SurePayroll, hiring and paycheck size are up this year, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. In addition, hiring among small businesses increased by 2 percent in 2011, propelled partially by an influx of contract workers.

Furthermore, average paycheck size for workers in this sector increased by 1.6 percent this year as employees logged longer hours with human resources administration.

"Atlanta's gains in hiring and paycheck size are a positive trend, but … it's an indicator of only one stage of a recovery. What has to happen next … is for employers to increase the number of permanent, full-time workers," the source writes.

Small businesses look to temporary workers to flesh out their offices in times of economic uncertainty. These individuals can help relieve owners of bothersome tasks, and provide them with flexibility in case the market doesn't recover as planned.

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