The majority of Americans feel their current job is not on course with their long-term career vision, according to a poll by Monster employment service. Fifty-six percent of respondents said they were "not on course at all" while only 6 percent said they were "totally on course."

Responding to the results, Mary Ellen Slayter, career advice expert for Monster, gave encouragement to those disgruntled with their current jobs:

"Some very lucky people know exactly where they'd like to be later in life," she said. "But many of us amend our goals as we learn about our industries and ourselves."

She explains that taking a detour from the career path one hoped for can help solidify one's goals. Those who find work in fields different from their expected path, be it as permanent or temporary workers, should take the experience as a "an opportunity to expand [their] area of expertise."

Slayter continued​ to explain that attaining skills beyond one's industry can make a resume stand out. In the long run, working a variety of different jobs could even help someone reach their original career goal.

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