With many companies expecting to bring in new talent in 2013, the number of online advertised job vacancies rose 106,900 in January to 5,044,700, according to The Conference Board, a business membership and research association.The supply/demand rate for jobs posted online is estimated at 2.5 unemployed people for every vacancy.

The Conference Board’s study sheds light on a positive decrease in unemployment. In December 2012, there were 7.3 million more unemployed workers than the number of advertised job openings. That number is down from 11.8 million at the end of the recession in June 2009.

Industries that had the best ratios include food preparation and service, transportation and material moving.

While job posting on the web can be a reliable tool for HR administration professionals, The Wall Street Journal explains not all listings are created equally. There is growing trend among some employers to create an opening only after a promising candidate has been identified. Employers are almost certain a current employee or a personal acquaintance will fill the job and they post a listing just to comply with HR rules.

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