The rise of mobile solutions and virtual communication tools is allowing companies to function in a digital environment. Employees are now using laptops, smartphones and tablets to conduct business, often opting for their personal devices when handling company data and communications. While enterprise infrastructure is protected from cyber threats and hacking through a companywide implementation, personal devices do not have those same securities in place and thus pose a threat to human resources management.

A recent study by Forrester Research and Cisco revealed more than half of federal information workers use personal devices for work purposes, while other employers issue mobile devices to employees for work functions. Even when an employer distributes mobile technology for work purposes, few companies have formal policies in place to ensure company information is securely accessed and transferred to keep networks secure and legal issues at bay.

Human resource departments must work with IT departments to develop BYOD policy best practices, ensuring confidential employee and client information is secure, keeping the enterprise out of costly legal battles and operating at optimal levels of efficiency. Executives are questioning liability issues when determining who is responsible for lost devices containing sensitive company information. HR managers are worried about how the use of personal devices can blur the line between life and work, potentially violating rules imposed by unions regarding work hours and demands. As a result, the use of personal devices must be deployed with caution and stringent guidelines.

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