A company's human resources administration is tasked with managing employees and items related to their well-being, such as benefits and payrolling. However, HR departments are increasingly focusing on how to boost workers' health.

Now, even the federal government has joined the action, and is offering health grants to state governments to help businesses and local individuals stop smoking and get immunized, The State Journal reports.

West Virginia was one such state that was recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which awarded the eponymous state agency with $1.4 million in health grants.

While $1.3 million of the grant will go to the Bureau for Public Health to strengthen local health departments' vaccine programs, $84,000 will support the state's Tobacco Quitline, which counsels individuals on information and materials to help them kick the habit, the news source writes.

Some employers have taken matters into their own hands, though, by offering wellness programs that promote exercise, healthy eating and, in some cases, napping.

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