Culture can have a major impact in creating the identity of a business and the type of workers companies hire. New-York based Booz & Co. recently polled 2,200 business leaders and found 84 percent believe culture plays a big part in the shaping a company.

Along with coming to the conclusion culture is a major component to business, the 2013 Culture and Change Management Survey discovered that many of the executives, directors and managers who were surveyed believed their businesses were in a critical need for reshaping. The survey found 96 percent of leaders believed their businesses need to change in order to sustain the company. Booz & Co. Partner DeAnne Aguirre said in a statement corporate culture hinges on management style.

"The fact that culture is recognized as essential to an organization's success – and yet it is not seen as an important topic on the agenda of senior leadership and is not effectively managed – perfectly explains why people feel a change is needed," Aguirre said.

Having a solid corporate culture can not only help a business grow, but it can also motivate workers. Businesses can improve the cultural of a company by having an open line of dialogue with workers, creating social events and holding town hall meetings.

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