Companies may choose to employ temporary workers to avoid the necessity of dealing with many of the Affordable Care Act's provisions. However, companies should check with their staffing agency, or their contingent workers' employers of record, to ensure compliance with regulations. While the mandate for employers to provide care has been delayed, public health care insurance exchanges are still on track and employers must notify their full-time workers of this fact.

Temporary employees who work through a staffing agency may be entitled to health care. It is vital that these agencies are correct in any assumptions they may be making about their responsibilities to employees.

Furthermore, companies that outsource employee benefits management need to have conversations with their back office human resources partners. While it is overwhelmingly likely that an organization devoted to meeting employee benefits needs is well aware of what must be done to comply with the regulations of the ACA, it is important to check in regardless. Employers should ask for a timeline of their coming responsibilities and receive advice on fulfilling them accordingly. For example, workers must be informed of the availability of insurance exchanges by Oct. 1. Firms  that give guidance to companies and works with them on issues of health care may help them accomplish this task by giving template letters or other advice.

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