As HR administrations incorporate information technology in recruitment strategies and talent management, many are developing into IT professionals to address the growing trend.

According to a recent survey, human resource leaders are adopting IT roles to further integrate recruiting services with developing employee talent. The State of Social Technology and Talent Management report from SilkRoad TalentTalk found 75 percent of HR professionals believe their companies need to update their internal and external social networking technology.

HR administrations are increasingly utilizing cloud-based human resource tools and recruiting talent through social media and the internet, according to ComputerWeekly, an information technology site. Jon Ingham, a HR technology consultant and analyst, told the computer site that HR and IT may soon assimilate each other.

"A group of individuals are surfing who have a HR and an IT responsibility, who have not been very visible or haven't really had a community of their own until now," said Ingham. 

Forbes predicts that social media's impact on human resources will soon result in personal brands displacing the traditional resume and recruiting strategies will evolve to where talent is found before individuals are even looking for jobs.
