As employer and HR administration professionals come to terms healthcare reform mandates, a recent survey suggests one area of health and certain worker needs have been consistently lacking from effective benefits management.

More than one-third of American workers face chronic stress caused by low salaries, lack of opportunity for advancement and heavy workloads, among other factors, according to a new survey by the American Psychological Associations' Center for Organizational Excellence. 

Many employees reported feeling stuck in their current position and only 39 percent said they have enough opportunities for internal career development and only about one-half of respondents report feeling valued at work.

Only 43 percent said they believe recognition in their place of employment is based on fair and useful performance evaluations and less than half said their employer regularly seeks input from staff members.

In addition, many employees reported feeling their health is jeopardized by their work life. A little more than one-third said their employers offer stress management resources and less than half reported receiving mental health support.

By offering employees access to educational materials, counseling and mental health treatment, businesses benefit from increased workforce engagement and higher levels of productivity. However, stress in the workplace can have a very negative impact on morale.

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