New research by the Integrated Benefits Institute found employees who work at companies that prioritize the health of their staff are more productive. From concentration to diligence, workers at firms with a strong health culture consistently outperformed those at organizations without one. Researchers determined the differences between the two groups were statistically significant. The survey of more than 1,000 employees at 53 companies provides valuable insight into the business case for health and wellness programs in the workplace.

Companies that want to take advantage of the benefits that come with a workforce whose health is a priority should investigate their options. There are many options, from wellness programs to formal employee assistance programs. Employee benefits management professionals can provide advice to human resources management teams about precisely which benefits make sense for their unique workforce.

A healthy workforce has many positive effects on a company. Not only can it lower healthcare costs overall, but it can also create a culture that promotes higher productivity and hard work. Businesses should seriously examine how their health programs serve all employees, whether permanent or temporary workers, and determine how to improve them if necessary.

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