The affordable care act is presenting new challenges to HR workers, according to Work Force. It requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide affordable health care coverage or pay penalties. Many critics believe that this will encourage part-time work, but others see this as a new opportunity for a different way of doing business than before, according to the article.

"We don't really know yet what the ACA's impact will be on jobs, but we do know that it means a sea change in the way companies do business," said John Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray and Christmas said. "It's the perfect time for a new kind of experts to come in and offer support. When there is a sea change, there are also lots of opportunities."

The human resources outsourcing industry is one such expert group. Many of those companies, according to the article, are doing very well. "We're up 30 percent in 2013 from 2012 in terms of the number of employees we serve and revenue," said Rob Wilson, president of Employco USA Inc.

Kerry Hannon, writing for Forbes, says that contract worker companies can attract top workers – those who have been otherwise displaced from the workforce through downsizing or early retirement, and still want to do business.

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