Temporary job numbers rose in January, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The total number of temp jobs added to the economy was 8,100 in January and 228,700 year over year, which is an increase of 9 percent. According to the American Staffing Association, seasonal adjustment typically causes increased numbers for January jobs, while the unadjusted numbers are typically more modest figures, as the adjustments made to jobs data at the beginning of the year inflates the results. The unadjusted number of jobs in the economy showed a decline 191,500 in January, which is better than January's average dip of 7.7 percent.  Year-over-year, there were 10.5 percent more temporary workers this year in January.

Nonfarm jobs increased by 113,000, and unemployment declined by 0.7 percent.

According to the WSJ, the report suggested downshifting as the winter season continues, possibly related to the unusually difficult weather throughout the U.S. However, the numbers are improvements over December's report.

In times of difficulty, temporary workers can be a beneficial way of cutting costs. Other methods for keeping a lean operation include outsourcing – payroll outsourcing will free up resources in a company and enable human resources personnel to focus on the most important parts of their job.

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