While the majority of U.S. employers perform background checks on all potential new hires, many applicants embellish their credentials, stretch the truth and fib on job applications. Some applicants even go as far as using the web to obstruct background checks, according to HR Morning.
The internet has enabled employers to easily research the qualifications of a candidate, which most jobseekers are aware of and may take advantage of.
In person and on paper, two of most popular lies applicants tell is exaggerating dates of past employment or inflating titles or salaries, according to CareerBuilder. On the internet, some job hopefuls go as far as attempting to back claims about working for a company that does not actually exist. According to HR Morning, there are sites, such as CareerExcuse.com, where users can buy false work information that includes a title, job salary and more.
The news source suggests employers research company names and phone numbers applicants provide. HR administration can also ask candidates to provide past W-2 employment forms.
Jobseekers may seek to cover up inappropriate behavior or offensive content by creating multiple social media profiles. HR Morning recommends employers go beyond the resources candidates provide. It's important to remember other aspects candidates may lie about, such as criminal records, false degrees and drug use.