If a company hires a temporary worker, it may be because it lacks the funds to provide a salary for a full-time position, or it is still wary of the economy and prefers to avoid the expense of health insurance.

This tactic may worry the company's full-time workers, and make them believe that the company is heading in a different direction, or that their jobs are in jeopardy.

"If you’ve had layoffs and people are nervous, you need to communicate what is going on with your employees," Laura Bennett, CEO and co-founder of Embrace Pet Insurance, tells Smart Business Network.

In addition, quell the temp worker's fear of joining a new company by treating them as if they're not expendable. Invite them to staff birthday parties and keep them in the loop about what is going on in the company.

Many older workers who lost their jobs may consider temping below their level of expertise, leading them to seek retirement benefits early.

However, some baby boomers continue to swallow their pride. "I still have difficulty with the concept of retirement," 66-year old Jean Coyle, who still keeps busy with temporary work, tells The Chicago Tribune. "There are just people who look forward to it and those who don't."

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