A recent study confirmed what many in the human resources administration community already believed to be evident: companies that use best practices for employee health and safety are more profitable. As the Affordable Care Act begins to go into effect, many feel their obligations are overwhelming. However, the study, conducted by HealthNEXT, presents an excellent business case for paying attention to the health and safety of all employees.

"Corporate Health Achievement Award winners were shown to outperform the S&P 500 in every scenario," according to the report, "with excess annual returns ranging from 3.03% to 5.27%, depending upon portfolio construction."

Companies that want the benefit of healthy employees but do not have the time to create a perfect benefits plan should consider outsourcing employee benefits administration. This back office HR function can be outsourced in a cost-effective way that will nonetheless bring great results. Outside firms can help companies decide which benefits plans are the best investments for themselves and their staff, and can provide expertise and advice in constructing a wellness program. Such programs are considered part of best practices in human resources.

Other ways to ensure health and safety include mandatory periodic training sessions on safety procedures, workplace-sponsored health screenings and more.

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