Misinformation has surfaced regarding the healthcare reform and many employees might not fully understand the new policies. Before the Affordable Care Act (ACA) takes effect in 2014, employee benefits administrations may begin to see staff collecting marketing material from insurance companies. However, experts suggest HR administrations explain the company's benefits plan to workers and inform them about how the act will affect their health insurance.

President Barack Obama's administration offers Americans clarity on the White House website about what information is correct regarding the current healthcare reform. One of the most common misconceptions is that employers will no longer offer insurance to their employees. According to research conducted in Massachusetts after healthcare reform was enacted within the state, the percentage of businesses offering insurance actually increased. 

Jennifer Benz, founder of the consulting firm Benz Communications, told Workforce magazine in a recent interview that organizations can prevent misinformation regarding their benefits and workers going through insurance companies through improved communication.

"The No. 1 implication for employees and employers is confusion," Benz said. "Employers have never had to explain their benefits alongside another offering."

HR departments can counteract any myths about their benefit plans through continually updating employees on insurance offerings and helping staff understand healthcare reform.

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