The number of people looking to upgrade their positions as part-time or temporary workers by getting a full-time job typically increases during a recession as budgets become tighter, the Pioneer Press reports.

In Minnesota, the number of part-time workers who would prefer to have a full-time job has tripled since January 2002, from 58,300 to 165,100.

A devastating effect of not being able to land full-time work is the lack of healthcare benefits. While the Obama administration has healthcare reform planned  for 2014, businesses are left with surging costs in the meantime.

"Most businesses want to provide healthcare," John Arensmeyer, CEO of nonprofit group the Small Business Majority, told CNN Money. "However, when it becomes too cost prohibitive, they will either drop coverage all together or increase the percent that the employee has to pay for the coverage."

Oriane Casale, assistant director of Minnesota's labor market information office, adds that some people mitigate the absence of a full-time position by patching together several part-time jobs that equal a full-time schedule. However, this approach is never going to be as good as a full-time position because of the lack of benefits.

Stephanie Stuart of WomenVenture's Women Can Do It program told the Pioneer Press that her organization does not encourage part-time work, although she pointed out that it's becoming more of a reality for people.  

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