The holiday season has opened up a plethora of temporary worker jobs at large retailers as well as theme stores such as costume shops. These positions tend to be low-paying, and prior to the economic downfall, typically went to high school students looking to earn some extra cash.

However, ABC News reports that the landscape has changed. Job-seekers in their 40s and 50s – many of whom have master's degrees or were laid off from well-paying job – are swallowing their pride and snatching up temp positions.

"It's a growing trend," Bill Coleman, vice president of research for, told the news source. "Interest in part-time work goes up as the stock market goes down."

People aged 55 and older have the lowest re-employment rate of any age group, explains Carl van Horn, director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers' Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. This is why, according to Coleman, older people shouldn't feel guilty about "stealing" these jobs from the younger generation.

"Their parents will fill that void," he told the media outlet.

The news source notes in a separate article that the retail industry is on pace to hire the most seasonal workers since 2006. 

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