A recent two-year global study from Bersin & Associates revealed that the landscape of human resources departments is changing.

Researchers studied HR departments in a plethora of organizations, revealing that effectiveness of HR is intrinsically tied to the success of a company.

Specifically, many small business' HR departments don't have qualified workers in these roles. A majority are not well-versed in modern technological advances, talent acquisition, benefits programs and social media changes – the last of which is extremely important given privacy/liability issues that may arise from Facebook or Twitter posts.

"This research clearly shows that the days of bloated HR organizations focused on administrative tasks are over," said study head Josh Bersin. "Lean, technology-enabled, well-trained HR teams are able to take advantage of modern talent practices and partner with business leaders to drive impact."

HR-Haven points out that in some cases, companies are turning to HR outsourcing services, which can be more professional, effective and less expensive than adding multiple HR department employees. Doing so can also greatly reduce liabilities because outsourced companies are likely to have knowledge of hiring, benefits, risk management and government compliance.


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