Managers or HR administration are generally tasked with updating workers about how effectively they are completing tasks during performance reviews. This can sometimes be a painful process, but ITWeb suggests making a few small tweaks to maximize the time spent during a review.

According to Phil Meyer, technology director at a New Zealand-based payrolling company, performance reviews should "measure less, more frequently." This means the process shouldn't be too complex as it may intimidate employees and become tedious, and should take between five and 10 minutes.

Shorter, quicker reviews conducted on a regular basis benefit both the worker and employer because areas that need improvement can be identified and a specific timeframe for rectifying these problems can be established.

Meyer adds that supplying workers with recognition for achievement is also beneficial, and a brief feedback review via email can help identify where both parties stand.

Social media status and influence website Klout recently launched software that ranks employees based on their performance in the office, InformationWeek reports. Features include worker profiles that show a list of each person's top three skills and where they rank within the company.  
