Technology has seeped into nearly every corner of modern-day business operations. Human resources has been a direct beneficiary of new technology, as HR personnel can now reach out to prospective employees and manage those on the payroll much more efficiently. From a recruitment standpoint, companies can engage with prospects more quickly and reach out to talent who are more qualified for a given position.

Since HR is adopting technology at a rapid pace, listed below are three best practices to consider:

  1. Don't force current process into new operations: The reason HR departments and recruiters utilize technology is because they want to improve production and streamline operations. That said, it's important for both of these parties to let their business model evolve with technology and not try to squeeze old strategies into a process that they may not fit into.
  2. Don't be afraid to outsource: If HR managers want to adopt the latest cutting-edge technology but lack the financial firepower, outsourcing to a top-tier recruiter may be the best way to improve use of the newest resources. These firms do nothing but seek out talent using the latest technology, so it may be worth the investment alone to seek out a full-time recruiter, Forbes suggests.
  3. Don't take the cheap route: A technological investment can be expensive, and businesses should know this upfront. The purpose of the expenditure is to improve operations and production, and a company cannot accomplish this with less-than competent technology. Certainly, while the initial investment is something to consider, technology often ends up saving companies money in the long run, which is also something to be aware of when making the upgrade.
