A survey conducted by NOCOJobList – an employment list for Northern Colorado job seekers – found that networking was the most effective way to land a position, according to the Northern Colorado Business Report.

The poll solicited more than 2,000 professionals in the Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado, area. In total, 29.6 percent of respondents said they obtained their last job through a friend.

"NoCo professionals should base their job search on what really works," Kris A. Erlewine, founder of NOCOJobsList, told the news source. "Topping that list should be cultivation of current and past personal and professional relationships with real human beings."

Staffing agencies were used by 7.6 percent of respondents, while Craigslist accounted for 11 percent of actual jobs.

The survey also found structured networking events, such as career fairs and networking groups, appear to be ineffective when it comes to landing a job. A personal connection through friends, friends of friends, colleagues or previous bosses is a more successful avenue to take.

The Daily Democrat points out that job seekers should consider everyone a potential job source. Networking through less common means, such as religious organizations or club memberships, may have hidden job potential.

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