Despite the still grim overall job landscape, more businesses have adapted to create workforce models that merge full-time, part-time, local, remote and contract workers, according to a recent survey from Elance.

The growth in hiring for online positions has soared. Specifically, 83 percent of respondents planned to hire up to 50 percent of their workers as online contractors within the next 12 months.

"This year's job numbers suggest a structural change in traditional employment, as more businesses are adopting online and contingent work as a core business strategy," said Fabio Rosati, CEO of Elance. "Fueled by technology, work is no longer confined to the 9-5 and the office."

The biggest benefits companies report for hiring online workers are instant access to talent and greater flexibility to run their businesses. Furthermore, freelancers feel this type of work trumps office positions because they can control their own schedules, follow their passions and eliminate the commute.

WANTED Analytics reports one emerging skill set for online hiring is that of mobile marketers. Recruiters posted more than 4,000 online job ads in 2011 with mobile skill requirements, a 16 percent year-over-year increase.

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