Three in five employers said when they contacted a reference listed on an application, the reference didn't provide positive information about the candidate, according to a new study by CareerBuilder.

The study surveyed nearly 3,000 hiring managers and HR services professionals, in addition to roughly 4,000 workers. Roughly three of every 10 employers reported they've discovered a phony reference on a candidate's application.

According to CareerBuilder, 80 percent of employers contact references when evaluating potential new hires. Sixteen percent of these individuals will contact a reference before calling a candidate to schedule an interview.

The majority of employers have changed their mind about a candidate after speaking with a reference, and half of them said they developed an unfavorable opinion.

As employment picks up in many industries, HR administration professionals must be extra vigilant in checking job references to bring in the best talent for open positions. Some businesses may consider going beyond the names and contact information provided by the candidate and contact other past employers that job seekers list on LinkedIn. It's also a good idea to use internal resources, like a supervisor or employee who may know the candidate, to acquire truthful feedback.

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