A recent study from Intelligent Office revealed that today's workers prefer an entrepreneurial working environment, and don't aspire to become executives.

Specifically, around 65 percent of those polled desired to work as an entrepreneur or independent – and not a single person stated that he or she aimed to become a corporate executive.

According to the release, the results point to the ideals of the "New American Worker," one who desires the mobility and flexibility that's typically found in the independent business owner.

"We believe there is a paradigm shift happening in our culture as it relates to work style," said Tom Camplese, COO of Intelligent Office. "We have been watching this shift take place over the course of the last few years … by talking with entrepreneurs, business owners and mobile executives on a daily basis. The Work IQ survey put this into hard numbers."

Researchers also found that 61 percent of respondents wanted to work more flexible hours instead of the traditional 9 to 5. Taking a job as a temporary worker falls into this category, since "flexible working is an immediate solution to unemployment," notes Kevin Green, chief executive of U.K.-based Recruitment and Employment Confederation, as quoted by payroll contractor blog PayStream.

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