In news that might encourage some to seek out an alternative solution, PricewaterhouseCoopers has found in a recent survey that increasing government regulations are driving many companies to acquire a Chief Compliance Officer as part of their c-suites. Such a role is for navigating the challenging terrain of the Affordable Care Act and issues having to do with safety, employee benefits and other difficulties. These rules are changing, and it's up to companies to stay compliant with them or face major government penalties.

One solution is simply to sidestep the problem by hiring temporary workers through an employer of record. Such an employee technically works for the employer of record, which means he or she is that company's responsibility, rather than the hiring company. This makes for a much simpler employee program. Another solution is to hire a HR outsourcing services company to handle compliance.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick has signed into a law a new measure that raises the state's minimum wage to $11 an hour, according to the Boston Herald, possibly causing further headaches for employers. Although it is important for employees to receive a fair wage for a job well done, it must be remembered employers must recoup these costs in some way, and many choose to hire temps as one method for this.

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