IES Blog


August 30, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Trevor Foster, VP of Finance and Innovation  Published By: TalentCulture.  Not long ago, contingent work was mostly one and done. Gigs were few and far between, so freelancers learned to look around for work. A different day, a different gig. In recent years, however, contingent work has found its footing. Now, with 51 percent of executives…

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August 2, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

By: Sara Jensen, VP of Business Development  Published By: Business 2 Community  Think the gig economy is all Uber drivers and freelance writers? Think again. That may have been true in its early days, but this burgeoning workforce now powers all sorts of sectors. Contingent workers — including contract employees, freelancers, and independent consultants —…

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May 1, 2017 Read time: 3 minutes

You could say they traded their power suits for Power Wheels.  A whopping 30% of American women chose leave the workforce to raise their kids, according to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor.  But what happens when this tsunami of talent wants to opt back in? For many moms reentering the…

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December 28, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

A high-performance culture is a mix of how things get done, how decisions are made and what actions attain desired results. Therefore, it’s important you consider what goals you want your company to reach and how you’ll work to meet them. Here are some steps you can take to create your own high-performance culture in…

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December 21, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

It’s important your employees are engaged in their work so they remain loyal to your company longer. Here are some ways you can get your staff members more invested in your business for greater long-term success. Focus on Your Company’s Purpose It’s important you share your mission with your employees so they know why you…

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December 12, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

When your employees are engaged in their work, they show up on time, are more productive and stay with your company longer. You benefit from increased output, greater retention rates and an improved bottom line. Find out how you can engage your workers and turn them into top performers. Promote Your Mission & Vision Actively…

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December 9, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Top customer service is one reason customers continue giving a company their business. Find out how your company can provide superior customer service just as Innovative Employee Solutions does. Meet Customers’ Needs Customer service professionals are typically the only way customers have of contacting a company with questions or issues. Because customers are spending their…

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November 14, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

According to a study by Development Dimensions International, a consulting firm, and Electronic Recruiting Exchange, a web-based recruiting resource, successful companies utilize five specific practices that help them stay ahead of the competition. These practices help find the right workers for the right jobs, which improves employee productivity and retention, the quality of products or…

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November 3, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

 With the widespread use of mobile devices, increasing access to information, and shorter attention spans, chunking new material into short bursts of information, or micro learning, is becoming more common as a means of learning. Find out more about “micro learning” and how it may benefit your company. What Micro Learning Is  Micro learning is…

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October 19, 2016 Read time: 2 minutes

Many small business owners are turning to e-learning for more effective employee training courses. Here are some tips for creating an e-learning course that gets noticeable results for your company. Plan Like a Teacher  Plan as a teacher would by utilizing best practices and techniques for long-term retention of information. For example, although you deeply…

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