The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics announced on Dec. 6 the temporary employment penetration rate reached its a rate of 2.03 percent in November.

The penetration rate looks at the scope of temporary jobs as a percentage of overall employment. The October rate reached 2.02 percent and Senior Research Analyst at Staffing Industry Analysts, Timothy Landhuis​, said that this increased rate is good news for temporary workers across the country.

"We have now tied the peak temp penetration rate of 2.03 percent set in April 2000, at the height of the dot-com economic boom," Landhuis told Staffing Industry Analysts.

Landhuis went on to say that this new high record of temporary staffing is showing employers that these type of workers can be a valuable asset to their companies. He added that this staffing also gives companies flexibility in directing their workforce.

The number of temporary employment service jobs also rose in November by 0.6 percent with 16,400 new jobs created, thus taking the total number of temporary jobs for the country to 2.78 million. The report went on to say that temporary jobs are up 8.6 percent from Nov. 2012.

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