HR administration may have to conduct annual employee reviews to determine if performance over the past year has been up to par.

However, TLNT reports that the review process is flawed. For example, most evaluations tend to focus on the "what-have-you-done-for-me-lately" mantra, instead of taking into account employee performance over the course of the year. If the worker had a difficult month leading up to the review, it may hinder his or her ability to be viewed positively overall.

Furthermore, many employers tend to ask the same review questions during each session, which can be demoralizing for the employee. The worker will likely remember what was asked during the last analysis, and if the same questions are used again, it may seem as if the manager is just going through the motions.

"Reviews tend to have competing goals: Employees, for their part, are looking for frank, honest and helpful feedback, but know that if they don’t use the review time to pump up their performance, they might not get the top bonus or best raise," the Recognize This blog reports.

The news source adds that organizations must balance rewarding top performers with providing constructive feedback. If they try to make everyone feel good rather than allocate rewards according to performance, the process may be viewed as unfair.  

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