The Staffing Stream has posted a new blog with career tips for those in the temporary staffing industry. It is heartening to hear Traci Fiatte, who works as group president for a major staffing company, say her goal as someone who pairs temporary workers with jobs is to ultimately craft and shape a career where the temp will become employed at a job he or she loves.

The basic strategies she offers are ones people may have heard before, but combined, they form an ambitious ideal that someone might strive to reach. The trick is to work hard, Fiatte writes, and not only work like that for a short time but keep at it, day in and day out. If you endeavor, and if you make sacrifices for your company, then you will be noticed and rewarded. If you fall behind, then you will find your career slowing down. Keep up the pace, and you will go far. The harder you work, the more responsibilities you will get, and the more chances you will find to prove yourself.

These facts are especially true for those in the staffing community. People who achieve are rewarded with more challenging assignments, increasing the possibility of finding a temp-to-perm position.

Temp-to-perm jobs are becoming increasingly important as states like California begin to consider bills that would protect the rights of temps. If you work for an employer of record, then you deserve the best support you can get. According to Voxxi, California is thinking of writing a bill that would hold companies at the top of the supply chain accountable, which means not only your employer of record, but also the company hiring you would be held accountable. This would only be good for the temporary services industry. It would hold those who would abuse temps accountable and promote those who seek, like Traci Fiatte, to help those who need career assistance.

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