Finding and retaining qualified workers for the industries your staffing company serves will be challenging in the new year. Here are some areas CareerCast predicts will have the greatest demand, and how you can proactively prepare to fill your client companies’ needs.

  • Information Technology

Millions of data scientists with currently undefined skill sets will be needed to work for thousands of companies in the coming years. Information security analysts will be required to fill cloud-based technology needs. Software engineers will be needed to develop and evaluate the software and systems used in performing computer applications. Demand is predicted to far outweigh supply, and due to the always-changing job requirements, many positions will most likely remain unfilled for years.

  • Science

Electrical engineers will be abundant in Los Angeles and New York, yet the greatest need will be in Chicago, Houston, and San Diego. Relocation won’t always be possible for potential job candidates.

  • Corporate

Due to continued company expansions, general and operations managers will remain in demand.  With digital marketing growing exponentially, marketing managers will be needed to fill open positions.

  • Healthcare

Because of the aging population, greater accessibility to health insurance, and large numbers of registered nurses retiring, thousands of home health aides, medical services managers, physical therapists, and RNs will be needed to meet the demand for health-related services. The demand is projected to continue growing over the next decade or longer.

  • Solution

As a recruiter, you’ll have to become more flexible in the skill sets you seek. Look for candidates in similar industries and functions related to your business clients’ needs. You can always train people for a specific job. Also, since so many baby boomers are retiring, look for younger candidates who can grow into a position. The aging population will increase demand in certain fields, and hiring younger people can fill the need. In addition, on-the-job training will be necessary due to fast technical innovations that make many current skills obsolete.

Recruiting and retaining top talent in many industries will be challenging for your staffing firm in 2016. For help with all your recruiting needs, contact Innovative Employee Solutions today!

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