Employment is on the rise, both in the staffing sector and in business in general, according to the latest report by the Department of Labor. According to the latest report, temporary help services jobs rose by 10,100 in June. The penetration rate for temporary workers, according to Staffing Industry Analysts, reached 2.07 percent. This means that a little over 2 percent of everyone in the workforce is a temporary worker. Year-over-year, temp jobs have grown by 215,900 in total.

The unemployment rate is down by 6.1 percent. However, for college graduates, unemployment rose slightly to 3.3 percent. College students who have just graduated could benefit enormously from the experiences that come from working in a temporary staffing firm such as an employer of record. Such a job would enable college students to quickly build a resume at many different places, all while remaining with the same employer and gaining the kind of skills that companies want in a full-time employee. It could also be a great way to find a permanent job because many workers are using a try-before-you-buy approach to temping – hiring various temps until the perfect fit comes and takes the position permanently.

One great reason to hire temps for full-time positions is that many of them have had experiences doing work that is more tedious and more repetitive than many full-time employees have had to do before. For example, some firms will hire temporary workers to sort things alphabetically. According to Fistful of Talent, hiring workers for their "grit," or ability to hunker down and really do a job, is often a better choice than hiring someone with brains or skills. People with a high intelligence but without any of the real experience of a difficult job just aren't as successful in the long term, according to the source.

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