Improvements in the economy are causing companies to begin adding to their payrolls by bringing in new talent. Currently, an employee's market exists. According to, 83 percent of recruiters feel that the best and brightest job seekers essentially have a wide variety of opportunities to choose from.

Many organizations are finding that they are competing with other businesses to hire these individuals. Because of this, HR administration offices inside a number of companies are currently planning their recruitment strategies for 2015 and beyond to better position themselves to attract the most qualified candidates on the market.

Here are some helpful tips that can help an organization make quality hires:

  1. Provide the candidate with a pleasurable experience: Even in a market favoring job seekers, finding employment can still be a stressful time. The process of putting together a resume, submitting it to a company, waiting for a response and then scheduling an interview can be unnerving. suggests that organizations make a commitment to speeding up this process while also engaging with a job seeker in such a way that they feel as if they have found their ideal place to work.
  2. Focus on passive candidates: These individuals are already gainfully employed, but on occasion, will check the job market to see what opportunities may be available to them. According to a LinkedIn post written by Esther Cruz, 75 percent of those currently working classify themselves as passive job seekers. In addition, 72 percent of recruiters have made these individuals a priority.
  3. Incentivize job offers: In an employee's market, a company must be aggressive in setting itself apart from its competitors in order to sway a candidate to come and work there. This is no easy task. However, one of the ways to accomplish this goal is to integrate perks into job offers. In addition to salary, an organization may want to provide an individual with the ability to work remotely or even present a sign-on bonus. These extra incentives could be the difference between someone accepting or rejecting an offer of employment.
  4. Use social media: These days, it seems that almost everyone is active on a social media website. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are hugely popular with people in general, while LinkedIn can be a great way to attract those looking for work. In fact, Esther Cruz wrote for LinkedIn that 46 percent of companies in the U.S. feel that social media is the best way to mine for talent and make strong hires. Organizations would be wise to strengthen and expand their presence on social networks to make themselves more attractive to job seekers.
  5. Be creative and use video: These days, given the overwhelming adoption of technology and the fact that people enjoy streaming video on computers, tablets and smartphones, companies looking to hire talent can use this to their advantage. For example, instead of a written job description, an organization may want to shoot a video to give a candidate an in-depth and personal look at what it would be like to work for the organization.

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